Lark Slainte Whisky Liqueur 350ml Lark Slainte Whisky Liqueur 350ml
4.5 stars - "Review for Lark Slainte Whisky Liqueur 350ml" This Lark Slainte Whisky Liqueur 350ml is the best Liquers I have tried.
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Lark Slainte Whisky Liqueur 350ml

Product ID: 79262

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An ode to sugar and spice, our Tasmanian Whisky Liqueur marries our finest single malt whisky with a closely guarded selection of botanicals to produce a delightfully complex and velvety liqueur. The two are carefully combined to give the right complexity of character, spiciness and sweetness, whilst maintaining the delightful overtones of the whisky.


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